If you’re a little anxious about how your fiancé is going to react to the whole “picture” thing, you’re not alone.
I hear so often that one partner definitely won’t be into photos and will be hard to work with but I have great news for you… you’re BOTH more photogenic than you think! I am constantly surprising couples by discovering their hidden model skills, and the most common response I hear after an engagement session (from BOTH individuals) is “That wasn’t as bad as I thought! It was actually fun!” Boom! Mission accomplished.
I’ll make sure your engagement session is fun and not forced or awkward, but here are a few things you can do to prep your fiancé on what to expect beforehand…
Show them some of your favorite photos
- Showing them some of your favorite engagement sessions I’ve photographed will allow them to see what you see, and understand why this is so important to you! It will also help gauge their expectations for how the session will work and get an idea for the types of poses you’ll be doing together.
Loosen up with a min-date beforehand
- Showing up to your engagement session with a little liquid courage or having just done some fun activity together is never a bad idea! Now of course I don’t recommend going overboard with the drinks, but being a little giggle-y does not hurt if you’re wanting those really sweet, personality showing photos.
Allow for plenty of time to get ready
- I also recommend that you allow for plenty of time to get ready & to your shoot. There is nothing worse than showing up to your engagement after arguing the entire car ride, that will definitely put someone in a bad mood!

Last but not least, remember to have patience, and don’t assume they aren’t going to have a good time… I think you’ll be surprised how much you will both enjoy your session! Now go ahead and click here if you haven’t already scheduled your session with me, and let’s have a blast together!